Mystery of the standing brooms

When one Regina man’s broomstick stood straight up by the bristles for 45 minutes without any support this week, he felt there must be some advanced force at work.

he internet has been inundated recently with tales of brooms that stand upright by themselves.

Videos and pictures have appeared online showing regular household brooms standing perfectly upright without any apparent means of support. The "standing broom" phenomenon has been attributed to everything from paranormal activity to solar flares. Scientists believe that the unusual balancing act is a result of a build-up of static electricity, but not one from a solar flare. "In order for that level of static electricity to be created by a solar flare, we would have a heck of a lot of problem," said physics professor George Lolos. "For that to have come from a solar flare, it would have fried every satellite in the plane."

Full Article Calgary Herald