The dingy corridors and gloomy wards of a long-abandoned Saudi Arabian hospital have drawn hundreds of amateur ghost hunters who believe it to be haunted by jinn, the malevolent spirits of the Koran and Arabian mythology.
A crowd broke in to the abandoned Irqa Hospital in Saudia Arabia to tackle spirits said to reside there.
The old hospital which was once used to treat Gulf War combatants has been the subject of ghost stories for years with rumors that it is haunted by malevolent spirits known as jinn. So great this fascination has become that last week hundreds of youths broke in to the building, smashed up the place and started fires in an effort to destroy its otherworldly occupants.
"Teenagers sent text messages calling for an operation against some of the jinn who live in the hospital, and they broke into the hospital and smashed its facilities and burned 60 percent of it," Okaz newspaper reported.
Source Reuters