Yellowstone visitors report mystery 'music'

Linton and others have described the sounds as “harp-like” or similar to human voices or the sound of metal cables crashing against each other, but no satisfactory explanation has yet been offered for their origin.

Strange celestial sounds have been heard by visitors to the picturesque Yellowstone National Park.

For years the sounds have been described by visitors as a type of enigmatic music coming from the skies around the shoreline of Yellowstone lake. "They resemble the ringing of telegraph wires or the humming of a swarm of bees, beginning softly in the distance, growing rapidly plainer until directly overhead, and then fading as rapidly in the opposite direction," wrote Hiram M. Chittenden in 1895. Professor of biology Edwin Linton also heard the sounds in 1890 while on a U.S. Fish Commission project.

Source Yellowstone Gate